Project "WE - in Latvia"
Project "WE - in Latvia 2"
Project “Latvian language - with pleasure!”
Naturalisation in Latvia
Project “Latvian language with pleasure - 2”
Project “Riga residents get citizenship - 2021”
Project “Latvian language for remigrants”
Project "WE - in Latvia"
Project "WE - in Latvia 2"
Project “Latvian language - with pleasure!”
Naturalisation in Latvia
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Inovāciju atbalsta centrs
News of the Society
Here you can look at all the latest events of the association.
Current projects 2020-2022
Project “Latvian language with pleasure - 2”
Project “We – in Latvia 2”
Project “Latvian - with pleasure!”
Project “Riga residents get citizenship - 2021”
Project “Latvian language for remigrants”
Integrating and helping to acquire Latvian citizenship - it's always interesting with us!
We're in Facebook
Here you can look at all the latest records of the association.
Inovāciju atbalsta centrs
Our Contacts
+371 26172018